
Causes and remedies for varicose veins in legs : नींद के दौरान कई बार पैरों की नसें एक-दूसरे पर चढ़ जाती हैं, जिससे असहनीय दर्द होता है। कुछ लोगों को यह समस्या बार-बार अनुभव होती है। इसे पैर की ऐंठन के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। लेकिन ऐसा क्यों होता है? आइए जानें इसके पीछे का कारण और समाधान।

एक दूसरे के ऊपर क्यों नहीं चढ़ते?

यह समस्या कई कारणों से हो सकती है जैसे शरीर में पानी की कमी। कई बार नसें कमजोर होने के कारण नसों पर हमला हो जाता है। रक्त में सोडियम, पोटेशियम, कैल्शियम की कमी, मैग्नीशियम का निम्न स्तर, अत्यधिक शराब, चीनी या पौष्टिक भोजन की कमी, साथ ही अत्यधिक तनाव या गलत मुद्रा में बैठना, ये सभी वैरिकाज़ नसों में योगदान करते हैं।

विटामिन सी की कमी के कारण

विटामिन सी की कमी से शरीर में कई समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। शरीर में विटामिन सी की कमी के कारण रक्त कोशिकाएं कमजोर हो जाती हैं, जिससे वे आपस में चिपक जाती हैं, जिससे नसें ओवरलैप हो जाती हैं और असहनीय दर्द होता है।

हीमोग्लोबिन की कमी

शरीर में हीमोग्लोबिन की कमी के कारण सोते समय भी पैरों या कंधों की नसें एक-दूसरे के ऊपर चढ़ जाती हैं। शरीर में हीमोग्लोबिन की वजह से ब्लड सर्कुलेशन ठीक से नहीं हो पाता है। जिससे यह समस्या उत्पन्न होती है।

अगर पैरों की नसें ओवरलैप हो रही हैं तो तुरंत यह उपाय करें

नस चढ़ जाने पर पैर में असहनीय दर्द महसूस होता है। हालाँकि यह असुविधा कुछ मिनटों के लिए महसूस होती है, लेकिन दर्द लंबे समय तक रहता है। हालाँकि, यदि यह समस्या बार-बार होती है, तो समस्या को नियंत्रित करने के लिए तत्काल उपाय करना आवश्यक है।

बर्फ लावा

अगर नस में सूजन है तो उस जगह पर कम से कम 15 मिनट तक बर्फ लगाएं। जिससे दर्द से राहत मिलेगी.


अगर पैरों की नसें अचानक एक-दूसरे पर चढ़ जाएं और तेज दर्द हो तो तुरंत राहत पाने के लिए गर्म सरसों के तेल से मालिश करें।

दबाव दो

जिस तरफ तनाव है उस तरफ के नाखून और उंगली की त्वचा के बीच दबाएं। तब तक दबाते रहें जब तक आपकी नस बंद न हो जाए।

नमक खाओ

सोडियम की कमी से पैर में ऐंठन हो सकती है। इसलिए जब भी नसें एक साथ आती हैं, तो एक चुटकी नमक मदद कर सकता है।


यदि नस में सूजन हो तो प्रभावित हिस्से को खींचे। जब आप खिंचाव करते हैं, तो आपकी मांसपेशियां जिस दिशा में खिंची थीं, उसकी विपरीत दिशा में खिंचाव शुरू हो जाता है। ज्यादा तेजी से न खींचे, नहीं तो दर्द बढ़ जाएगा।

अपने पैरों के नीचे तकिया रखें

यदि सोते समय पैरों की नसें अक्सर ओवरलैप हो जाती हैं तो पैरों के नीचे एक बड़ा तकिया रखें

डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें

आमतौर पर वैरिकोज वेन की यह समस्या अपने आप ठीक हो जाती है, लेकिन दर्द पूरे दिन बना रहता है। लेकिन अगर यह समस्या आपके साथ बनी रहती है तो डॉक्टर से सलाह लें।


nurse doctor funny medical hospital medicine nursing cute vaccine injection veterinarian hiking health blood vet tech veterinary technician future vet vet school nature love cool medical school vampire syringe future doctor camping rn medical student moon horror veterinary veterinary medicine future veterinarian adventure forest Coffee heart quote lpn college patient cartoon stethoscope stars covid scary nurse life mountains summer zombie bat vet med veterinary school vet med symbol veterinary medicine symbol veterinarian symbol veterinary symbol veterinary medicine logo vet med logo veterinarian logo veterinary logo dogtor veterinary sayings veterinarian sayings veterinary inspiration vet inspiration veterinary school inspiration inspirational veterinarian tufts vet tufts veterinary school tufts cummings school of veterinary medicine pennvet georgia veterinary school florida veterinary school ohio veterinary school western veterinary school edinburgh veterinary school colorado state veterinary school cornell veterinary school ross veterinary school kansas state veterinary school purdue veterinary school washington state veterinary school davis veterinary school mountain science retro vintage mental health nurses for nurse biology earth star virus halloween spooky black ghost dead evil dental future nurse dr blue wanderlust Travel family holiday fun nursing student phlebotomy phlebotomist phlebotomy technician venipuncture veterinary graduate npl vet nurse for vet tech veterinary assistant veterinary jokes vet school sayings veterinary humor veterinarian humor veterinary medicine humor funny veterinarian animals over people skeleton gothic prevention skull pretty sport fitness motivational self care self love straight outta night shift life help amr paramedic paramedic emt ems first responder uniform nyc flag duty firefighter nurse tech emergency medical technician coworkers for men for women for kids basi funny doctor medical humor registered nurse medical care space capsule astronaut outer space cosmos capsule surreal asteroidday saturn planet mars space vaccine pediatric injection nurses love shenanigans game memes dream eye eyes pandemic witch occult magic monster pumpkin october watercolor kawaii stoner your highness weed cannabis marijuana drugs funny stoner stoner girl pastel stoner weed leaf ganja stoner queen stoner wake and bake lilac coffee lover hand mirror geek nerd 2020 covid 19 party bike veins night pre med pre medical med school medical medicine pre nursing career job hearth beat scrub future job heart love grey anatomy doctor life dental school proud doctor proud mom of a doctor hasnaan mohsin phycology love stethoscope dissertation i love doctors thanks to doctor life saver grey doctor white doctor great doctors best doctors female doctors male doctors future doctor future doctor doctor doctor doctors are life saver respect doctors thankyou doctors funny doctors vector phone yoga beach flower ocean quotes climbing animal freedom cna explore joke phlebotomy life phlebotomy school graduation phlebotomy humor professional vampire phlebotomy student blood draw vampire bat phlebotomist costume veterinary nurse funny veterinary medicine jokes vet med funny slogan vet med graduate veterinary medicine funny quotes vet tech funny quote joke pun rvn funny veterinarian funny jokes pun for veterinarian for veterinary nurse tourniquet zach bryan anatomical heart anatomic heart outdoors dark art thought provoking unique design eerie bold statement piece artistic illustration modern art falls falls prevention safety nursing home aged aged care laboratory medical laboratory scientist scientist laboratory technician laboratory technologist chemistry medical technician medical laboratory science lab technician funny laboratory christmas laboratory men laboratory birthday laboratory women laboratory ideas lab kids lab girl lab quotes laboratory related laboratory sayings laboratory saying funny lab sayings laboratory technician father laboratory art laboratory design lab quote lab technician lover lab lover lab funny funny lab sayings for laboratory technicians nasa jet propulsion laboratory logo quote for lab technician retro vintage laboratory joke for laboratory technicians job as a laboratory technician christmas as a lab technician birthday as a laboratory technician future laboratory kostjani thank you grateful blood vessel realistic hand drawn puns vascular aorta inspiration graphic addict needles colourful Sports football basketball winter baseball nba do sport do motivation gym workout just do it lift fit depression anxiety mental illness positivity positive pulpband pulp band pulp pulp music welovepulp pink glove jarvis cocker pulp gig pulp youtube pulp set list britpop kids sheffield hey scenesters 90s frontline warrior nurse nothing scares me i am a nurse infusion nurse chemotherapy nurse thank a nurse hug a nurse scrub life tired nurse lvn aprn proud nurse male nurse penn vet vaccine news vaccine covid vaccine stocks vaccine schedule vaccine covid 19 vaccine definition vaccine tracker vaccine trials vaccine ingredients vaccine adjuvants vaccine adverse event reporting system vaccine available vaccine approval vaccine approval process vaccine administration vaccine administration record vaccine ages vaccine abbreviations vaccine antibodies vaccine by september vaccine by october vaccine by fall vaccine by end of year vaccine bill vaccine booster vaccine book vaccine bill colorado vaccine by 2021 vaccine before college vaccine companies vaccine court vaccine china vaccine clinic vaccine chart vaccine covid news vaccine catch up schedule coronavirus reinfection covid reinfection veterinarian technician veterinarian technologist i read it online vet tech quotes vet tech month veterinary nurse vet student animal doctor easily distracted big veins nurse nurse lovers funny for nurse nurse day you can save someones life donating blood blood donor giving life serving society donor i like big veins and i cannot lie funny medical docteen premed medical practitioner greys anatomy intravenous iv cannula vet med memes veterinary nurses for doctor nhs nurse medicine memes funny vet med veterinary surgeon anatomy school stab things funny cross stitch cross stitch pun sewing pun funny needlework cross stitch fiber artist patience to stab needle and thread funny sewing humorous sewing naughty sewing little patience stitching cutting dressmaker textile sewing quilting quilter crochet knitting pattern maker dressmakers seamstress yarn thread ripper needlework blood pressure checkup measure examination green background manga anime clinic treatment healthcare treating examine general practitioner veterinarians female power the future is female female empowerment women power powerful women powerful woman women are awesome female veterinarians astronaut vaccine mgrr metal gear metal gear rising revengeance jetstream sam sam samuel rodrigues minuano gaming the dna of the soul brazilian cool brazilian wind desperado desperado enforcement llc winds of destruction wind of destruction the only i know for real there will be blood shed the man in the mirror nods his head the only one left will red upon the dragons back because the mountains dont give back whay they take intuition bling dreamer head dreams galaxy creative mysterious problem reaction solution lock down big pharma Corruption mafia scandal fasting vegan rejuvenate disease symptoms natural health medicines sick cancer multinationals pharmaceutical industry test bill gates who organization death white ghosts tarot bones dark halloween are pumpkin head halloween scary pumpkin head halloween pumpkin face halloween pumpkins balloon 2022 halloween monster orange trend i teach the cutest pumpkins in the patch cute spooky halloween sublimation halloween pack halloween nurse nursing cute health worker halloween pattern its not hoarding if its halloween decorations hoarding if its halloween future phlebotomist lab tech phlebotomy tech funny phlebotomist funny phlebotomist quotes for phlebotomist blood technician phlebotomy nurse phlebotomist life phlebotomist birthday aliens alien for man for dad for boyfriend for friend aliens and spaghetti night in the hands of interterrestrial masters man with brain exposed aliens and mind control alien invasion aliens in capes green aliens alien zombie attack pathologist forensic expert our day begins when your day ends pathologist assistant forensic science criminal criminal investigation pathology forensic science design forensics forensic pathology nurses week doctor humor doctor humour essential af nurse humour nurse humor nurse appreciation front line worker essential worker call night shift caffeine latte espresso national coffee day all i need is coffee hot coffee coffee art coffee quote relationship couple fathers day for husband mothers day designs for nurses designs for hospital workers nurse design for hospital workers be nice i may be your nurse for nursing chool valentine robots care clouds band aid the last unicorn unicorn unicorns amalthea last unicorn unicorn horn i love unicorns unicorn party unicorn rainbow unicorn gym unicorn weightlifting death metal unicorn colorful unicorn rbpartnerprogram 80scartoons alicorn flossing iamsanna pink unicorn sanna tops seller tops selling unicorn girl unicorn squad suggest and trending trust me am instruments knife surgical nursery dentist scissors sexy hot WHO crisis coronavirus costume immunization halloween costumes dracula goth witches spirit halloween halloween town cycle fixie ride bicycle biking cyclist mountain bike road bike gravel bike cycology love cycling cycling art bicycle lover surgeon woman in medicine physician md black doctor dvm veterinary student surgical tech physicians assistant female surgeon female doctor healing healing art witchy vibes take care of yourself be kind to your mind be kind to yourself med student funny quote injections dead inside creepy funny idea funny design dark humor team night shift healthcare professionals steto workers employee apreciation night worker shift shift team cabin crew care cabin cloud coffee time coffee because adulting is hard epipen allergies nut free allergy free hero covid halloween quarantine halloween halloween 2020 orange color off coughing orange pumpkin classic halloween symbol sharon rahman halloween trick or treat backpacking outdoor activities accine titan logo cartoons sketch colored 4 yhanidoriasarts plague doctor inject vaxxed people human emotions unique hate anger peace meditation sun lotus trendy good vibes happy mandala zen boho buddhism namaste spiritual waves animals buddha inspirational om pink spring sunshine trending avocado be happy bohemian claire andrews claireandrewss coast elephant floral camper van outdoor outside elements tent tree woodland walking cycling climb climber fishing natural under the stars sky fire camp campfire hunting hunt hobby recreation fisherman alpaca wound care healer strength you shall need exists noble flowing through vein mustafa kemal ataturk atatürk powerful inspire calligraphy turkish car laptop macbook mac tyler the creator dont worry doctor quotes health student funny nursing student wellness nutrition well being holistic vitality balance hygiene immunity rehabilitation mindfulness stamina covid19 trick treat cemetery corona world pandemi reason therapist mom dad anti vax experiment vaccination patriot constitution second amendment usa america say no first aid bleeding emergency preparedness stop the bleed awareness minimalist design skull with syringe comic roses artist jackpoint23 bestselling cellphone covers stickerstropical palms dark palm leaves faded vintage hawaiian green on green color palettes cacti photographic tropical beach landscapes bold tropical flowers illustrative drawing styles island surf references faded and aged effects digital distortions plumbing plumber oh kay plumbing doctors donate blood save life donate your blood ibrastore donate your blood to save for you sweety give blood i will stab you nurse ghost i will stab you funny halloween nurse halloween halloween nurse halloween for nurse grim reaper nurse syringe nurse cap nurse hat dripping blood icu nurse halloween er nurse halloween nursing school nurse graduation rn registered nurse nigh nurse breathe breath breathing exercise healthy life style tummo monk breathing breathing whm breathe and prosper better life life 2 0 Cold Shower leave comfort zone comfort zone lungs lung youre on the list i have the list halloweentown and chill black halloween cat anesthesiologist anesthesia anesthetist surgery icu crna nurse anesthetist anesthesiology propofol endotracheal emergency medicine patient care horror books books thriller poison black and white circle hike line line art minimal moon light river star gazing boy manimal wings fantasy trousers flying legend tale story fable nightmare black cat cat flowers daisy garden folk cat love crazy cat lady yellow cat eyes cute cat crazy yellow flowers daisies cat lady murse narcan reality transurfing self development manifestation choose your reality mindset conscious living positive thinking life design motivational quotes hurt hurts needle is that hurts chost needle afraid afraid ghost afraid of syringe afraid from injection funny anesthesiologist anesthesia for practitioners doctor roadtrip road trip road journey first kill calliope juliette dog doodle doodledog fergusthedog labradoodle doodlemom doodlelove meetfergus fergusonthego ambulance sickdog labradoodle dog vacation christmas i need a vacation therapy i dont i need a holiday idea destination wedding honeymoon i need a nap cat cat streetwear fashion girls cat womans cat weirdcore aesthetic alt indie dreamcore marceline season horror season on scary zombie halloween scary scary halloween horror zombie movies horror movies comedy fan fact pulse erection blank space cute enough to stop your heart skilled enough to restart it stop ecg restart certified nurse aide certified nurse assistant licensed practical nurse text parody haha humor internet awesome lol humorous sarcasm meme laugh hilarious humour rofl ha lmao amusing pulmonary embolism medical funny medical pun medical practitioners forever monday wake up paw dogs cats horse cut sloths funny animals lazy funny sloth cute sloth adorable sloth sloth girl sloth means sloth boy the funny legs bus public transportation mother father ski shots mrna pfizer moderna